The big build up to the Vintage & Handmade Fair has passed.
All seems a little quiet at home now.
With the cottage now sold and all its contents squeezed into my London home, even the letters, emails and phone calls have reduced, thank heaven!
I did enjoy the pressure a little bit, the frantic moments we had during the two weeks before the fair, have we made enough, will it sell, is it good enough? were stressful, but nice stress - if there is such a thing!
It was moving out of the cottage on the 10th November that was hard to do.
On the Friday before the fair, Katie and I baked..........

Then very early the next day we set off at 5.45am, car loaded. When we arrived at the Rangeworthy Village hall there was a stillness and quietnes about the place as bloggers unpacked and displayed their goodies.
I enjoyed meeting everyone very much. Who would ever have thought that an event like this would happen and bring so many virtual friends together for a day!
It was wonderful talking to everyone. so many lovely ladies with lots of talent.
Blogging can have such a positive effect on people lives when they are happy to share idea's and encourage others to have a go at something new to them. Being creative and helping others to be creative is how it was always done, sharing our skills and talents is what brought people together, knitting circles and the like. This is what should be encouraged, turn that TV off and start a crafting together night for the neighbours.

My stall looked a little bare really. Some of the tables were packed with so much it was a real feast for the eyes.
Our table was next to Sea Angels, who has the most wonderful designs. I have learnt quite a lot from Lynn, I now have the crafting bug really bad!
Our Stall! I can't help but smile when I see how little we had to sell, no wonder the punters passed quickly!

We did sell quite a few bits and pieces and we have been asked to supply a little shop, which is very exciting as I have never done that before!
We all enjoyed our day together. It has been an experience that I would probably never had, had it not been for Blogging and the lovely Michele and Jayne for organising it..thank you X.
And moving on........ to
Moving Out and squeezing in!

And the move, phew...... what a terrible day that was. I cannot even bring myself to tell you about it...but trust me when I say it was the worst moving out day and night, I have ever experienced.
I have moved home 8 times now. We should be experts at this!

To squeeze two homes into one is very hard. Far too much stuff I have
accumulated over the years.
Now it is almost all unpacked, moved about, given away, sold or stored in the garage, which now looks like a reclamation yard, peace is returning to the house.

Coasters and dishes moved to London too.....

Yet more
twiggy wreaths and hearts on my walls.

One of my most favorite prints is on the wall outside my bedroom...for the moment anyway! it will all be moved again no doubt.

Our old faithful brass bedstead has been passed onto my
youngest daughter, it looks so pretty in her bedroom, it was too small for us now really. So the
king size bed from the cottage is now in my bedroom and another very old water stained print, which looks so much like my daughter-in-law it is untrue has been put in my room too.

Yet another old print, which has pride of place in the boy's nursery. This room is due for a touch of Farrow & Ball soon.

I had a few pieces of Pewter at the cottage, something that I had never liked very much when I was younger. Love it now though.
My cookery books got moved into the bookcase so free up much needed space for vintage bits and bobs on my kitchen shelves. I have been squeezing it all in knowing that I will move it all about again. Just had to get those box's unpacked and out of the house.

This is the bookcase that was on the landing but had to be moved down to the family room so that my old dressing table and mirror could have a home here rather than be sold. Even the rug was from the cottage, the dogs think they are in rug heaven! Much to my annoyance. I
vacuum it TWO times a day!

More prints. This one I found in a Charity shop for £5.00 but framing it cost £60.00! worth every penny though.

Sofa Village. I had so many once the cottage sofa's arrived home here. So big change around and I sent the offspring home with trucks full to bursting. The sofa covers were washed and my Kate
Forman cushions arranged nicely, they all look very much at home. Good match.

Little piles of things can still be found here and there, but generally we are nearly sorted. My old dressing table, a lovely and quite big linen chest is on the landing. this picture does not do it justice. This is a beautiful piece of furniture, very touchable.
Well, that is it for now....more to come I am sure. I am going to decorate the family room this week. I will show you the before's and after's, to see what you think!
Bye all. Have a good week and wrap up well, it is cold out there. Cxx
Beautiful pictures.
oh Carol - lalala (sorry the song came in my head then) anyway! it all looks gorgeous and the bed looks fantastic ! even the rug looks fab despite regular vacuum sessions :-)
sad about the cottage but I am sure you will have another property by the sea one day to make it for it :-)
Lesley x
You have the most gorgeous things and your house really does look so cosy, even if it is just temporary.
Lisa x
I'm so glad you enjoyed the fair - it was lovely to meet you!
I can't believe how organised you are at home already - everything looks as if it's where it was meant to be!
Wow....and yet it looks streamlined....i can't see what are the extra things!
I have a fondness for your house!
Your stall looked fab...i'm not surprised someone wanted you to stock them!
How cool!xxx
Glad you enjoyed the fair..we did too!
Wow..I can't believe how tidy you are in your home!! ;-)
Carol.. it was so good to finally meet you and your very handsome family. My only regret of the whole day was not getting to talk to you and all the other lovely ladies as much as I would have liked..
You put so much effort and love in to your goods for the fair.. they did look wonderful.
I think you could have given lessons in organisation.. how to survive a house move and attend a fair...all in the same month! You have to be Wonder Woman!
There really is no stopping you!
Much love
Michele x
Well done on getting through a very stressful time. I am glad that you managed to get to the fair. Your stall looks lovely. How is your leg by the way?
Your home looks so cosy and welcoming Carol. Glad you have managed to shift all of those boxes!
Your stall looks beautiful, such a shame I couldn't see you both there x
It was lovely to meet you and your lovely family on Saturday. Wasn't it a great day, your stuff looked absolutely gorgeous. I don't know how on earth you managed to make anything and move house at the same time, I'm very impressed.
The house looks gorgeous, looking foarward to more pics
Julia xx
Hi, so glad your back and I bet your glad to have some sort of normality again. Thanks for sharing the fair with us. Your stand looked beautiful. Do you sell just at fairs as I've spotted a couple of things that look very nice chirtmas pressies!!!
I have the erin wallpaper too, same colour, I love it, funnily enough I popped to my old neighbours house who I havent seen since I moved and she's just had her hallway decorated in it too! Yes Carol you are extremely organised, your housey pics look gorgeous as usual!
How is your ankle, have you still got the plaster on?
Claire xx
Hi there!
I'm so pleased with the cushion as chips too!
Lovely sunny day here, but oh so cold!
So pleased your plaster is off, hubby wanted to know what I was laughing at, at 7 this morning after reading your comment about you clomping around in heels like a!! Just been looking at your housey pics again...beautiful! Claire xx
Welcome back, and congratulations on your first foray into the world of fairs and crafting. It sounds as though it was all a success. I certainly don't envy you the move - but you've done heroic work getting everything in and organized!
Looks like you have been really busy Carol but you seem to be very organised. Hope you get a chance to rest now and enjoy :-)
Everything looks absolutely cozy and gorgeous Carol!
I really liked your stall as it had a real cohesive designed look using lots of similar fabrics. Some of the others had done this as a business lots of times before. You didn't look like you had little to sell. Nice to meet you and hope you get chance to use the flower loom. Joanna
Your London home is lovely...and so were your wares...I've clicked and enlarged to get a better look...specially at the books...I found some I have identical to you...Lorna Doone, and Pride and Prejudice, same tattered blue covers. And The Lay of the Last Minstrel and I remember my lovely DIL picking it up and giggling. I had to giggle, too...double meanings and all that. Hope your foot is all better and you're snug down in your lovely home!
I absolutely LOVE the stained glass window in your last picture! Beautiful. I'm so glad that you had such a nice time at your vintage and handmade fair, the internet truly is a remarkable thing. Have a great week.
What a nice booth you had at the fair. It's so good to 'hear' so many, well in fact all, enthusiastic comments about that day. Too bad it was just too far to pop over.
I think that you have done a marvelous job decorating already. It all looks so nice and cosy. The photos never give the impression of two homes squeezed in one. Talking about photos; that picture of your boys is to die for. They are sooo cute!
Thanks for your comments and for mentioning the Ugs as being a good investment. I told my family that my foot has become bad because of wearing fake Ugs! Mmm I think I just have to buy the real ones now, thanks! ;-)
Hello Carol. Lovely to see you back and so glad the fair went well for everyone. The move sounds a nightmare, but hopefully now peace will reigh once more xx
Everything looks lovely, Carol! The cottage is past, but the memories remain and a new chapter begins. Lovely home, too!
Hello Carol, this is my second attempt at leaving you a message, forgive me if another one pops up in a minute! My goodness you have been busy these past few weeks, I'm amazed you're still standing. So good to hear that the day was such a wonderful success, your stall looked beautiful. As for your home, well looking at the photos you would never believe that it had seen so much disruption! Take care and time for a rest Carol!
Goodness! What a beautiful place to stop and enjoy the afternoon. I've loved being here. Blessings... Polly
Carol so glad to see you on your feet - like another blogger I enlarged your pics of the stall and I thought - quality and style. Just like your gorgeous house. I love your window.
Hi Carol - lovely to hear from you! Wow you've been busy, good for you going to the fiar. I think your stall looks fab. If only I could have gone.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your lovely home, I adore it! Would yo mind if I asked where you got the beautiful crystal drop fairy lights on the bed from? I've been tring to find some for ages with no luck.
Hope the injury is fully healed now.
Take care
Hi CarolI can't believe you have achieved all of these things, you are amazing.....everything looks lovely, I have sent your blog address to a lady who has written to me about your beautiful items, I think she would like to buy some things from you.
Have a super rest and a lovely weekend.
Hugs Lynn xx
Hi there, how are you today?XX
Your stall at the fair looked lovely Carol. I very much enjoyed looking through your photos of the bloggers' meet, I so wish I could have been a visitor. I expect you are busy planning for the next one now, and the shop order. I spy little Jude lost underneath his woolly hat, or was he just being camera shy! x
I'd say you did well to fit everything in! You had lots of wonderful treasures. We once moved from a huge home to a very small home and I remember the challenge of trying to fit things in, selling stuff, giving it away or storing it. I'd say you've done quite well!
You must have been hard to sell the cottage.
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