Before you start if you like to read your blogs in peace, turn off the speakers!
I was very angry today and when I feel like that I have to put on some happy music and loud!
Just like the piece I have chosen here by George M....if you like it turn it up and bounce away as you read!
Once I have finally manage to drag myself out of bed....not easy! and hobble downstairs to make that first great cup of breakfast tea to start my day, the very first thing I do is look out of the kitchen window to see what is happening with the weather!

I like to sit an enjoy my mug of tea with a book or magazine and most definitely NOT the letters that fall onto the doormat in huge pile every morning and never fail to annoy me in some way!
I confess to having a little spend-up on Amazon, but I did only buy from the New & Used section this time - great idea big savings can be made here. This is just two of the 5 books that I ordered.
'Falling Cloudberrys and Apples For Jam by Tessa Kiros. I have to say these are more than just cookery books they are full of beautiful pictures and both tell a little story about family and food.
My happiness was short lived !
I will not tell you about the 'horrific' Bank charges that I also received this morning. And all because the Amazon payments came out so fast from my Halifax account they were debited before a credit that was due in had arrived....isn't it funny how they always manage to take money out of our accounts in a flash yet money going in is sooo slow. Is it a scam! are we being robbed under our noses....yes I dare say.
Next job. Feed the dog's!
Upstairs to get myself ready for the day and make the bed.... my two bedside reads at the moment are a Ghost story and my most favorite of all the house mag's...even more so as they have sent me a gorgeous Emma Bridgewater spotty cup & saucer for my afternoon tea...
Back out into the garden to wash-up the dog's bowls and water the plants. This is an old Belfast sink that my son-in-law gave us. N. had the iron stand made to measure by a local Cotswold blacksmith. I am going to paint the iron stand but I have not yet decided on the shade of F&B I want. A big sink in the garden is a brilliant idea if you have room.

Back into the kitchen for a quick tidy here and then one of favorite 'hobbies' to paint my latest finds.

I have managed to get N. to help this time....I think he is fed up with all my projects blocking is garage space!

My F&B collection of oil eggshell paint and one of the little bird box's that I have asked N. to make for me. This one has a lead roof...removed for the painting and the other one has a grey slate roof. I wanted three all to be different, so far I have two ready for painting.

In between painting I do bit of dusting and hoovering, well it has to be order to my and when. I have to say
Cath Kidston's pack of two pretty dusters do make it a bit more 'fun' ? is that the right word? or am I just sad!

A dash to the high street to have a big moan in the Bank!
Afterwards I found myself yet again in the charity shop spending money I should be saving to pay the Banks massive charges...and was rewarded with this!
I have been searching for weeks, no, months for a nice crochet throw for the camper van.
I had bid on several on EBay and lost or backed out as the price rockets.
There it was, perfect and only £3.99 !
All Cool Campers should have at least one of these to throw around your shoulders as you sit by the campfire, telling ghost stories !

Home again.
A little walk around my garden to inspect how little I have left of my Hosta's after last nights feast by the slugs and snails!
Finally pop the kettle on before lunch.
Katie and Jude arrive just as lunch is served...
I did manage to buy one crochet squares blanket on EBay.
But silly me, in my haste I did not get the tape measure out to check the size. It is a bit small but so beautifully made. Guy likes it too.

And lastly my
Cath Kidston expensive crochet throw. The colours go perfectly with the camper interior which is mainly pale blue and bright pinks.I will have to show you the camper interior one day.

After lunch or brunch, more painting. Then on goes the kettle again as Katie and Jude sleep on the sofa!
Nothing like a nice cup of tea in the afternoon! Gosh there is a lot tea drinking in this house. And two of my litttle 'boys' enjoying the afternoon with me in the garden.

Next I dash to the allotment to water and a spot of weeding.
It is so peaceful here...the thought of actually going is not one that pleases me, but once I am through the padlocked gates I am happy, it is the quietness that I love and seeing my vegetables growing before my eyes.
Home again, whacked out....cook the dinner and finally I collapse on the sofa until Hub says,
time for bed Carol...wake up!
Where do the hours go? I never achieve all that I hope to at the start of the day.
I don't know where the time goes either. I never feel as though I 'achieve' anything! I love your pictures. I must say though that I think I prefer your bargain charity shop throw to the expensive Cath Kidston one!
Im always busy doing nothing so it seems! love all your blankets..what a bargain you had with your new one! Dont get me started on bank charges..we have been charged £30 each time for going 10p over and £1.25 over..the banks answer to my complaint?.. "they are legitimate charges" pah!! your dogs..especially George he's gorgeous..My 'stinky boys' are called George and Harry.. good names for dogs and humans!
Hi Carol, I just sat down to check my e-mail ,etc. & decided to check in to see what you were up to today. Not that I am glad you had bank troubles or that your were a bit mad, but it truly does make me feel better! I too have been having the crankliest of mornings!! Nothing important...but cranky none-the-less!...Anyway, I guess misery does like company!...Loved seeing all the snippets of your day!...and that throw is gorgeous that you picked up! Now I'm off for a cup of tea & to adopt a better attitude! Your friend, Heidi :)
Phew, I am exhausted just reading about your day, let alone doing it all! Love the blankets, especially the charity shop one. I am amazed at the size of Guy, hasn't he grown? I know, silly comment - puppies do grow! Congrats on your grandson, he is beautiful.
Lovely dogs and afghans! Those crocheted squares took me back ......a group of university friends all made those for one another as we graduated and wed. I still have mine - can't remember the names of the friends, but love knowing that they have identical afghans!
Your day sounded lovely - especially the part about new mum and babe napping! There can't be anything nicer!
Wow.. ! I am impressed Carol..
Were you wearing roller skates today?
Now another of my life's little mysteries is.. why is it.. everyone finds such amazing treasures at their local charity shops and I find tat??
I think I might have to move house.. again!
I am so in love with little Guy.. he is the scrummiest dog!
Have a chilled out day today if you can..remember your blood pressure.
Time does go fast, but I`ve enjoyed reading about your day and seeing your beautiful pictures and adorable dogs!
You know, I've noticed how banks turn robbery into an art, too. It's not your imagination. And the chaps all look very well fed and satisfied! I can't get over little Guy...I'd love to have that rascal living with me!!! Lovely tour of the gardens and know, if you put a pan (tin pan) of beer in the garden, the darned snails will crawl into and drown...of course they'll die happy...and drunk!
I cannot beleive this was all done in one day, I had to re-read the title to make sure it was not a week in my life!
Hurry up and show us some pictures of your Campervan!
Have a good week
Vanessa x
Hi Carol,
Just to let you know that I have tagged you! I hope its not to much hassle to complete. Check out my blog for the rules!
Vanessa x
I love your sink. I call it a "farm" sink and I wanted one when we replace the one at the cabin but unfortunately it cost a fortune. Didn't take long to see that wasn't going to happen. Great pictures on your post today as always. Sorry about the bank thing. Hope the rest of your week goes better.
Oh don't get me started on bank charges! Was £1.58p over drawn -same situation as you and didn't check. Ended up £57 in chrges! Went and played hell, I think I scared the bank manager, he got rid of the charges!
Those blankets are wonderful, we never get things like that in the charity shops here. Pups look gorgeous.
Rosie x
I love all the pictures of your home. That is an impressive farrow & ball collection too!. Those blankets are so nice too. Those dogs are just so cute and I can see why you call them your boys, I bet they must bring you so much joy everyday seeing them and those cute little faces. Books look great, it is always good to check banking after buying things , just in case. Its annoying sometimes when that happens, and its always money out & not money in!
x Dom
What a great post! Your days sounds like mine - non-stop! Except I spend a lot of time driving children to school, stables & friends as we live too far away for them to walk. Love the blankets - I've been accumulating them too - I have 4 or 5 now.
Wow, that's quite impressive - I'm definatly nowhere near as efficient out of the office :)
I have a little stash of FB tester pot's too! And have a list of things waiting to be painted! I'd love to see some pics of inside your camper your crochet throw is fabulous I bet you was excited to find that at that price.I hate that when banks do that it makes my blood boil!
Enjoyed reading about your day and seeing your lovely pics!
Love your crochet throws! Guy is just looking so gorgeous! Hope it's a better day for you today and you managed to finish your mammoth list of things to do! Have a good weekend
Nice to know I'm not the only one who gets clobbered by the bank even when I think I've been very organised about payments! Adore your new blankets. I won a couple of stripey ones on ebay but none nearly as nice as yours.
Hope you have a lovely bank holiday.
Stephx (thanks for the allotment inspiration btw, Woody wants us to get one! Yippee!)
I love the way Harry and Guy have moved in on the most expensive crocheted quilt of the lot. Dogs with impeccable taste! x
Hi Carol, firstly I have to say what a great choice of song! - I turned my speakers up loud - We went to see GM twice last year on his 25 tour - we had seats just a few rows in, but I daren't say how much it cost - I love him!!!!
It sounds like you had a really busy day - and I love your crochet throws - the £3.99 one was a real bargain! - Natalie x
Me again - Have you tried claiming back your bank charges? - I think everything is on hold while a 'test case' goes through court, but it is looking favourable that 'unreasonable bank charges' will be declared as unlawful. I was successful in claiming back half of all the charges I had paid in the past 6 years. has lots of useful advice If you are interested - Natalie x
What a lovely entry! And I think you have achieved a whole lot on that particular day. But I too often feel that the day has just kind of "disappeared" without me quite knowing just where... I just adore all your crocheted blankets, and the Tessa Kiros books are lovely (I bought both of the with a gift voucher I got for Christmas).
I do wish to thank you for all your lovely comments in my blog, they are highly appreciated. And Jude looks just adorable! Congratulations!
Hi Katherine
Hope you don't mind but I've just tagged you on my blog! You need to go to my blog for the instructions hope it's not too much hassle!
Hi Katherine
Hope your having a good weekend I've just tagged you on my blog you need to go to my blog for the instructions. Hope it's not too much hassle!
I too end every day feeling like I haven't finished.
Guy is adorable and the crochet blanket for 3.99 is unbelievable.
Racheal x
Hi Carol
Wonderful pictures!! Ilove all your
blankets, especially this of Cath Kidston want me very good. Sweet the dog on the chair.
I wish you a wonderful weekend!!!
Lovely pictures of your precious dogs. I have the book Apples for Jam too and love all the little stories as much as the recipes :-}.
Such a busy day, the charity shop blanket is gorgeous, You have such a gorgeous house.
Lisa x
I was worn out just reading your blog. what a lot you manage to pack into a day. I love all the throws, the colours were just perfect. But why were the dogs able to sit there and relax while you did all the work?
Hi Carole
A blast from the past I know but just spoke to Christine and she told me to take a look at your web site...just lovely. Give my love to N. xx Carol and Lee. The Northerners!!
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